Ofer Harel, Ph.D. is the Interim Dean of
the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a professor in
the Department of Statistics. Dr. Harel was the Associate
Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs in the College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences 2021-2023; the Director of
Graduate Admissions at the Department of Statistics
2016-2021 and was a principal Investigator in the Institute
for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy
(InCHIP) at the University of Connecticut 2010-2016. Dr.
Harel received his doctorate in statistics in 2003 from the
Department of Statistics at the Pennsylvania State
University; where he developed his methodological expertise
in the areas of missing data techniques, diagnostic tests,
longitudinal studies, Bayesian methods, sampling techniques,
mixture models, latent class analysis, and statistical
consulting. Dr. Harel received his post-doctoral training at
the University of Washington, Department of Biostatistics,
where he worked for the Health Services Research &
Development (HSR&D) Center of Excellence, VA Puget Sound
Healthcare System, and the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating
Center (NACC). Dr. Harel has served as a biostatistical
consultant nationally and internationally since 1997.
Through his collaborative consulting, Dr. Harel has been
involved with a variety of research fields including, but
not limited to Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer, nutrition,
HIV/AIDS, health disparities, anti-racism, and alcohol and
drug abuse prevention. Dr. Harel is a member of the National
Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine’s Committee on
Applied and Theoretical Statistics. Dr. Harel was a member
of the (now restructured) Biostatistical Methods and
Research Design (BMRD) Study Section at the National
Institute of Health and was appointed to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics Technical Advisory Committee (BLSTAC) at the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics among many national elected and
appointed positions.
Eric Kolaczyk is a professor in the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and inaugural
director of the McGill Computational and Data Systems
Initiative (CDSI). He is also an associate academic member
of Mila, the Quebec AI Institute. His research is focused at
the point of convergence where statistical and machine
learning theory and methods support human endeavors enabled
by computing and engineered systems, frequently from a
network-based perspective of systems science. He
collaborates regularly on problems in computational biology,
computational neuroscience and, most recently, AI-assisted
chemistry and materials science. He has published over 100
articles, including several books on the topic of network
analysis. As an associate editor, he has served on the
boards of JASA and JRSS-B in statistics, IEEE IP and TNSE in
engineering, and SIMODS in mathematics. He formerly served
as co-chair of the US National Academies of Sciences,
Medicine, and Engineering Roundtable on Data Science
Education. He is an elected fellow of the AAAS, ASA, and
IMS, an elected senior member of the IEEE, and an elected
member of the ISI.
Dr. Joan Buenconsejo is the
Vice President and head of Cardiovascular and Neuroscience
Biostatistics at Bristol-Myers Squibb. In addition to
leading a team of talented statisticians who support the
development of innovative therapies for patients with CV and
neurological diseases, she is also co-leading a BMS-wide
workstream that aims to foster trial design innovation and
optimization. Dr. Buenconsejo has over 20 years of drug
development experience, having worked at the Food and Drug
Administration and AstraZeneca before joining BMS. While she
calls statistics as her “bread and butter” skillset, she is
also passionate about applying novel tools and technology to
generate insights, simplify workflows, and reduce patient
burden in clinical research. She is also an advocate of
using innovative trial designs to accelerate the development
of promising new therapies. Dr. Buenconsejo holds a Ph.D.
and an MPH in Biostatistics from Yale University.
Kun Chen is a Professor in the
Department of Statistics at the University of Connecticut
(UConn) and a Research Fellow at the Center for Population
Health, UConn Health Center. He has been a Fellow of the
American Statistical Association (ASA) since 2022 and an
Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute
(ISI) since 2016. His research mainly focuses on large-scale
multivariate statistical learning, statistical machine
learning, and healthcare analytics. He has extensive
interdisciplinary research experience in several fields,
including ecology, biology, agriculture, and population
health. Dr. Chen has graduated with over ten PhDs and
received Recognition for Teaching Excellence at UConn
multiple times. He has also been active in professional
services. In particular, he was a core member in
establishing the New England Statistical Society (NESS) in
2017 and served as its secretary until 2021. Currently, he
serves as the Program Chair for the ASA Section on
Statistical Computing and Vice-President for the ASA
Connecticut Chapter.
Dr. Chen received his B.Econ.
in Finance and Dual B.S. in Computer Science &
Technology from the University of Science & Technology
of China in 2003, M.S. in Statistics from the University of
Alaska Fairbanks in 2007, and Ph.D. in Statistics from the
University of Iowa in 2011. Before joining UConn, he was on
the faculty of Kansas State University from 2011 to
Dr. Jingjing Ye is an executive
director and currently leads a global team, Data Science and
Digital Innovations (DSDI), with Global Statistics and Data
Sciences (GSDS) in BeiGene. She has over 17 years’
experience in pharmaceutical industry and US FDA, with focus
in cancer drug discovery and development. Her statistical
and regulatory experience expands full spectrum on patients’
treatment journey from diagnosis, treatment, to living with
the condition. She is very active in statistical communities
in US and between US and China DIA communities, including
leading several cross-disciplinary and cross-company working
groups. She received her PhD degree in statistics from
University of California, Davis and BS in applied
mathematics from Peking University.
Dr. Haoda Fu is an Associate Vice
President and an Enterprise Lead for Machine Learning,
Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Connected Care from Eli
Lilly and Company. Dr. Haoda Fu is a Fellow of ASA (American
Statistical Association), and IMS Fellow (Institute of
Mathematical Statistics). He is also an adjunct professor of
biostatistics department, Univ. of North Carolina Chapel
Hill and Indiana university School of Medicine. Dr. Fu
received his Ph.D. in statistics from University of
Wisconsin-Madison in 2007 and joined Lilly after that. Since
he joined Lilly, he is very active in statistics and data
science methodology research. He has more than 100
publications in the areas, such as Bayesian adaptive de
sign, survival analysis, recurrent event modeling,
personalized medicine, indirect and mixed treatment
comparison, joint modeling, Bayesian decision making, and
rare events analysis. In recent years, his research area
focuses on machine learning and artificial intelligence. His
research has been published in various top journals
including JASA, JRSS, Biometrika, Bio metrics, ACM, IEEE,
JAMA, Annals of Internal Medicine etc.. He has been teaching
topics of machine learning and AI in large industry
conferences including teaching this topic in FDA workshop.
He was board of directors for statistics organizations and
program chairs, committee chairs such as ICSA, ENAR, and ASA
Biopharm session. He is a COPSS Snedecor Awards committee
member from 2022-2026, and will also serve as an associate
editor for JASA theory and method from 2023.
Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques in drug discovery. This is driven by the need for more efficient and effective ways of identifying and developing new drugs, as well as the increasing availability of large datasets and computing power. In this talk, we will review some of the recent developments in AI/ML for drug discovery, including the use of deep learning for drug design, the application of reinforcement learning for optimizing drug combinations, and the use of generative models for chemical synthesis. We will also discuss some of the challenges and limitations of these approaches, and their potential impact on the future of drug discovery. Overall, the use of AI/ML in drug discovery holds great promise for accelerating the development of new treatments and improving patient outcomes.
Jared Christensen is a Vice
President and Head of Internal Medicine and Infectious
Disease Statistics within Global Biometrics and Data
Management, Pfizer Research & Development. While
experienced in all phases of development, he has spent most
of his career focused on early clinical trials. Jared has
led early teams to embed innovative, decision making tools
in early development plans including digital health
technologies, AI/ML methodologies, bring your own device and
decentralized trials. Jared began his career at Wyeth before
moving to Pfizer. He has had roles of increasing
responsibility for early clinical and non-clinical work
across multiple research units and has worked with
statistical leaders to embed machine learning and AI in drug
development from screening through phase 2. Jared’s research
interests include dose-response modeling, estimands, small
sample trial design, missing data and data sharing in the
pharmaceutical industry. Jared received his PhD in
Biostatistics from Harvard University.
Venkat Sethuraman, PhD, MBA
serves as the senior vice president of Global Biometrics and
Data Sciences at Bristol Myers Squibb, where he is
accountable for the biostatistics/quantitative support to
Global Development and Medical organization. In addition,
Venkat leads the Innovation Pillar for the Global Drug
Development, developing the data and digital strategy by
utilizing data science, advanced clinical trial solutions
and robust digital tools to accelerate the pipeline. Venkat
and his team are working at the forefront of how Bristol
Myers Squibb is utilizing digital innovation to
revolutionize drug development by harnessing the power of
big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
approaches to power prediction from the earliest inception
of our programs. Prior to ZS, Venkat held various leadership
roles at BMS, Novartis Oncology and GSK. Venkat has diverse
research interests and consulting experience in industry
that includes clinical trials design, innovative trial
models, data science, and most recently, digital efforts in
clinical research. Venkat received a PhD in statistics from
Temple University and an MBA from the Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania. He currently serves on the Board
of Association for Women in Science (AWIS) and has served on
the board of the Biopharmaceutical Section of the American
Statistical Association.
Dr. Hao Zhu is the director of the Division
of Pharmacometrics, Office of Clinical Pharmacology, Office
of Translational Science, Center of Drug Evaluation and
Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Zhu
received his Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences and Master in
statistics from the University of Florida. He started his
career in modeling and simulation teams in Johnson &
Johnson and Bristol-Myers-Squibb. He joined FDA as a
pharmacometrics reviewer more than 16 years ago. Dr. Zhu has
been a clinical pharmacology team leader for more than 6
years and a QT-IRT scientific lead for 2 years. Then he
became the deputy director at the Division of
Pharmacometrics. His division reviews the pharmacometrics
related submissions and supports pharmacometrics-related
policy development.
Dr. Ming-Hui Chen is a Board of
Trustees Distinguished Professor and Head of Department of
Statistics at University of Connecticut (UConn). He obtained
his PhD in Statistics from Purdue University in 1993. He was
elected to Fellow of International Society for Bayesian
Analysis in 2016, Fellow of Institute of Mathematical
Statistics in 2007, and Fellow of American Statistical
Association in 2005. He received the University of
Connecticut AAUP Research Excellence Award in 2013, the
UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Excellence
in Research Award in the Physical Sciences Division in 2013,
the University of Connecticut Alumni Association's
University Award for Faculty Excellence in Research and
Creativity (Sciences) in 2014, the ICSA Distinguished
Achievement Award in 2020, and the Distinguished Science
Alumni Award from Purdue University in 2023. He has
published 460+ peer-reviewed journal articles and five books
including two advanced graduate-level books on Bayesian
survival analysis and Monte Carlo methods in Bayesian
computation. He has supervised 42 PhD students. He served as
President of ICSA (2013), Chair of the Eastern Asia Chapter
of International Society for Bayesian Analysis (2018),
President of New England Statistical Society (2018-2020),
and the 2022 JSM Program Chair. Currently, he is Co
Editor-in-Chief of Statistics and Its Interface, inaugurated
Co Editor-in-Chief of New England Journal of Statistics in
Data Science, and an Associate Editor for several other
statistical journals.
Max Kuhn is a software engineer at Posit
PBC (nee RStudio). He is working on improving R’s modeling
capabilities and maintaining about 30 packages, including
caret. He was a Senior Director of Nonclinical Statistics at
Pfizer Global R&D in Connecticut. He has applied models
in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic industries for over 18
years. Max has a Ph.D. in Biostatistics. He and Kjell
Johnson wrote the book Applied Predictive Modeling, which
won the Ziegel award from the American Statistical
Association, recognizing the best book reviewed in
Technometrics in 2015. Their second book, Feature
Engineering and Selection, was published in 2019, and his
book Tidy Models with R, was published in 2022.
Abstract: Machine learning models are everywhere now. We must spend more time on what happens before and after the model fit to build higher-quality algorithms. This talk will describe a set of post-model activities that can improve the fit and also ensure that, when deployed, it is used effectively.