
Members of The New England Statistical Society (NESS) receive discounts in pricing.

Registration Fees

Registration fee including lunch, refreshment, and coffees will be charged to all participants. Fees for participants are as follows.
Participant Type Registration Fee
Industry Participant (Non Member) $220
Industry Participant (Member) $180
Non-Student Academic (Non Member) $160
Non-Student Academic (Member) $120
Student $40
Student (Presenting) $0

Short courses (half or full day long) will be charged a separate fee.

1 Half-day Course 1 Full-day Course
Industry Participant (Non Member) $200 $400
Industry Participant (Member) $175 $350
Non-Student Academic (Non Member) $125 $250
Non-Student Academic (Member) $100 $200
Student $20 $40

Registration Form

The registration is closed.